Getting your 3D prints to stick

Your Print Surface The first thing to look at when your 3D print is having difficulty sticking is your print surface. It should be smooth without wrinkles, ridges or overlapping sections of tape. You will also want to be sure you don’t have any missing sections of tape. Covering the platform right to the edges will help ensure the tape sticks to the platform well and doesn’t lift as a print tries to warp.   Your part is warping in a large number of areas If your part is warping in a large number of areas or it doesn’t seem to be due to the objects geometry there are often a few key areas to look at. The first thing to do is ensure you are properly leveled. If you aren’t sure if you are level enough watch the outline of your print’s first layer. If it is a consistent width … Read more

Introduction to Printing NinjaFlex

This post is designed as a reference point for printing NinjaFlex with your Replicator 2 or 2X. In order to print NinjaFlex it is necessary to have a direct drive extruder that guides your filament from the drive gear to the nozzle. Any gaps or openings in that space allow the filament to kick out to the side and stop feeding. This is the Replicator 2X version here. As with printing other materials you will want to be sure your first layer is close enough to the build place that it bonds well. A heated build plate is not required with NinjaFlex.   Build plate compatibility: NinjaFlex is compatible with a wide variety of build plates but the one thing to be sure of is that your surface is smooth. Any ridges can cause feed issues because they increase the pressure needed to push the filament out the nozzle. Blue … Read more