Greasing a Replicator 2 and 2X

The Replicator 2 and 2X both require minimal maintenance to keep them performing at their best. Every 50 hours of printing a small amount of grease should be applied in two locations. If your printer is squeaking, applying grease in these locations generally will stop the squeaking as well. Applying this grease is done to keep them quiet and prevent excess wear on parts such as the Y-axis secondary.

When we are greasing a Replicator 2 or 2X we use this PTFE Grease.

The first point we apply grease to is the Z axis threaded rod. This is the one that controls the height of the platform and is pictured below.Z Axis Threaded Rod

The method to applying the grease to this threaded rod is to raise the platform all the way up and apply a small amount of grease below the platform. After that lower the platform and put grease above it and then raise and lower the platform a few times to spread it across the threaded rod.


The second area we apply this grease to is the shaft that the X idler pulley sits on. The X idler pulley should rotate freely on the shaft. If the pulley and the shaft rotate as one piece in the slot of the Y-Axis Secondary then they will slowly wear a deeper slot into your Y axis secondary and loosen the X belt. In the picture below the Y-Axis Secondary is the piece with the MakerBot “M” on it.

X Idler Pulley

To apply the grease to the X axis idler shaft the first step is to push the idler pulley towards the front or back of the printer. On the now exposed metal rod apply a small amount of grease then push the pulley into the applied grease. Apply grease to the opposite side of the metal idler shaft and then push the pulley into the applied grease. Now move the pulley front-to-back and pulley the X belt side to side to work the grease in. The X Idler should now spin freely from the shaft. If it still doesn’t rotate freely you may have to separate these two pieces and do additional cleanup.


Note: Do not apply this grease to any of the smooth gantry rods, they should not require oiling due to their self lubricating brass bushings. If they are squeaking or stiff your gantry may be out of alignment, or a drop or two of 3-in-one oil may be required to remedy this.