Setting Build Plate Size on a Printrbot

If you’ve installed an upgrade on your Printrbot, been playing around with your default settings, or the auto-leveling process isn’t working quite right for you, then you may have to adjust some EEPROM settings. Checking Your Current Settings The first step is to confirm what your current settings are. A factory reset may not bring you back to a usable condition if you make a mistake so it is always a good idea to know your previously set settings. To check your current settings you will need to pull up your G-Code input screen. This can be done by opening Cura and using Pronterface UI with a plugged in printer. You will need to put a STL on the build plate and then bring up the controller. Once the controller is open you will see a text input box on the right, this is where you will input the G-Code commands. … Read more

MakerBot Desktop 3.8

MakerBot just released a new version of MakerBot Desktop 3.9 that has some features targeted at the new Smart Extruder +. If you are looking for an older version due to compatibility issues, here is a link to our download page with older versions such as MakerBot Desktop 3.8. Older Versions of MakerBot Desktop

Thor 3D Specialty Filaments Now Available

We have recently brought in two additional types of filament to use with your 3D printer. The two types of filament are PETG and a Wood-PLA blend. The PETG filament is printable very similar to PLA except it requires a higher nozzle temperature. This makes it a great way to print more durable parts that also have some give on your Replicator 2. PETG warps very little so it does not require a heated build plate and it is roughly comparable to ABS for its physical properties and strength. The Wood-PLA blend filament allows you to print in a material that looks and smells like wood. This filament is recommended for use with a 0.5mm or larger nozzle and as such, it will have increased chances of jamming on a stock Replicator 2 Nozzle. Other than the nozzle size this filament prints just like standard PLA although it is more … Read more

Creating a 3D model from a 2D Image with 3D Slash

We have previously posted about the program 3D Slash. It is a very easy to use 3D modelling program and they just added some additional features. One of these new features allows you to use 3D Slash to take a 2D logo and convert it into a 3D model. At the same time they also added the ability to generate a 3D model of text that you choose. Both of these new features can be useful for creating a 3D model without having to start from scratch.